Pathogenic High Voltage Mercury Amalgam Dental Fillings – Medical Considerations
Received Date: October 28, 2023 Accepted Date: November 28, 2023 Published Date: November 30, 2023
doi: 10.17303/jdoh.2023.10.204
Citation: Dr Stephen Bourne MB, MRCGP (2023) Pathogenic High Voltage Mercury Amalgam Dental Fillings - Medical Considerations. J Dent Oral Health 10: 1-6
Dental amalgam contains 50% mercury with copper, silver, and tin. These metals are bathed in acid saliva and consequently form a battery.
Experience collaborating with a ‘mercury-free’ dentist has indicated that amalgam dental fillings with associated voltages above 100 mV are pathogenic and should be replaced with non-metallic dental material.
An earthing mat, used to remove static electricity generated by patients’ high-voltage metallic dental fillings, caused them to feel clearer-headed.
This paper suggests that doctors and dentists use voltmeters to check for voltages associated with metallic dental fillings of chronically ill patients.
In the author’s experience, chronically ill patients with metallic dental fillings with associated voltages above 100 millivolts should be referred to appropriately qualified dentists (7) to replace their high-voltage amalgam dental fillings with non-metallic dental material.Keywords: Pathogenic; High Voltage; Mercury Amalgam Dental Fillings
The toxic properties of dental mercury are well-- known [1-3], and dental mercury is banned in the Scandinavian countries [4]. There are no published UK studies in this field.
Dental assistants must wear protective clothing when handling dental amalgam. After dentists have removed mercury amalgam dental fillings from their patients’ mouths, they must dispose of them in sealed containers so that mercury vapour from the amalgam dental fillings cannot contaminate the ecosystem. The British Dental Association (BDA) has not explained why it considers dental mercury amalgam toxic when handled by dental technicians and when disposed of but not in people's mouths.
The BDA advises that although dental mercury is contraindicated for pregnant women and children, it is not for adults. It has yet to explain how it has reached this conclusion.
The BDA’s recommendation does not consider environmental research [2,4], clinical research [1,4-6] and animal research [12], all of which indicate that dental mercury can be toxic.
The BDA should consider dental research, which has become possible with the Jerome J431-X and the new J4045.0 mercury vapour analyzers. This technology measures levels of oral mercury and has shown that heavy chewing (e.g., chewing gum) and drinking hot drinks cause significant release of mercury vapour from amalgam dental fillings into subjects’ mouths. Dr Hesham El-Essawy, a London Harley Street dentist, has demonstrated this technology to the author. Such release of mercury vapour from amalgam dental fillings into subjects’ mouths is inconsistent with the BDA’s assertion that amalgam dental fillings are stable and not a source of mercury poisoning.
A meta-analysis of patients treated for dental mercury toxicity has shown that 89% of 1569 patients treated experienced ‘that their symptoms had improved or were eliminated after the safe replacement of their mercury amalgam dental fillings [5].
Mercury from dental amalgam fillings is a systemic toxin that can contribute to the pathogenesis of many chronic medical conditions, particularly anxiety, phobias, Parkinson’s syndrome, multiple sclerosis, allergies, chronic fatigue syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, arthritis and stroke [6].
Case Reports
Case 1
During 1981, a fifty-one-year-old patient with malignant hypertension and severe chronic migraine joined my NHS general practice. His symptoms had not responded to conventional medical treatment for hypertension from his previous GP, from me and subsequently from several private consultant physicians. He was eventually treated successfully by George Lewith MRCP (deceased), who identified high-voltage mercury amalgam dental fillings as the cause of his migraine and hypertension. Dr Lewith referred my patient to a mercury-free dentist who was a member of the British Society for Mercury-free Dentistry [7].
For replacement of his pathogenic high-voltage mercury amalgam dental fillings. The patient’s migraine and hypertension cleared up immediately after the dentist had replaced his high-voltage metallic mercury amalgam dental fillings.
At the time, the patient was incapacitated by chronic poor health. Since replacing his high-voltage amalgam dental fillings, he led an active life.
Here is the patient’s account
“In 1981, I was aged fifty-one and seriously ill with malignant hypertension and migraine. Conventional medical treatment had not helped. My GP, Dr Bourne, eventually suggested that I consult Dr George Lewith at his clinic on Upper Harley Street. Dr Lewith compared my amalgam dental fillings to having a battery in my mouth. He used a simple DC voltmeter to measure the voltages at my amalgam dental fillings.
As an electrical engineer, I did not find it surprising that Dr Lewith identified my high-voltage amalgam dental fillings (> 1.5 Volts) as the causes of my migraine and high blood pressure.
The rest is history. Dr Lewith referred me to a mercury-free dentist, who replaced my high-voltage amalgam dental fillings. The result was quick and astonishing: the migraines and malignant hypertension ceased straightaway, and there was also an improvement in my energy levels. Removing my high voltage amalgam dental fillings has been a life-enhancing procedure.”
Here is the account of another patient with high-- voltage amalgam dental fillings.
Case 2
“I first consulted Dr Bourne in August 2020 because I had been feeling abnormally tired for years. He identified two high-voltage mercury amalgam dental fillings as the cause of my tiredness. He advised me to consult a mercury-free dentist to have my ‘silver’ mercury amalgam dental fillings replaced.
I visited a mercury-free dentist in September; the fillings were replaced in November. Since they were replaced, I have no longer felt abnormally tired and have been able to concentrate better at work. My tiredness cleared up immediately after the silver fillings were changed. Dr Bourne explained that this was due to removing the mercury amalgam-associated electric currents in my mouth.
I used to have a sore throat every winter, which returned in September this year. My sore throat cleared immediately after my high voltage dental fillings were replaced.”
The two case histories indicate an association between high-voltage mercury amalgam dental fillings and chronic poor health. Further clinical experience will show whether this association can be replicated in a cohort of suitable subjects.
While in NHS general practice, I noticed that some patients with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) who had not responded to conventional medical treatment had high voltage ‘silver’ mercury amalgam dental fillings. Although one such patient made a remarkable recovery from CFS after a private dentist had replaced his high-voltage dental fillings, few NHS patients could afford such private dental treatment, and my attempts to have their high-voltage dental fillings replaced within the NHS were unsuccessful.
During retirement from general practice, while specialising in no-toxic medicine, I found that several chronically ill patients who had not responded to conventional medical treatment had high-voltage metallic mercury amalgam dental fillings and that their symptoms improved immediately after the high-voltage mercury amalgam fillings were replaced.
Autopsy research on cadavers has shown that mercury from dental amalgam is deposited in body organs proportionately to the number of amalgam dental fillings and to the number of years that they have been in place [10]. At autopsy, the highest mercury concentrations were found in the brain, thyroid gland and kidneys. Given this finding, it is improbable that replacing patients’ mercury amalgam dental fillings would cause a sufficient reduction in systemic mercury poisoning to account for the immediate clinical improvement reported in the above two case histories. The immediate clinical improvements were due to removing the high-voltage amalgam dental fillings.
Dental mercury molecules are liable to be deposited in the brain [10], becoming micro aerials that attract harmful electromagnetic radiation so that people with mercury amalgam dental fillings can feel abnormally tired when visiting electrically charged places such as airports and underground railways [11].
Mercury deposited in sheep kidneys has been shown to significantly impair their renal function [12]. This finding is consistent with a higher incidence of dialysis-dependent renal failure patients in countries whose residents can afford only mercury amalgam dental fillings rather than more expensive, less toxic alternatives. [13].
Given these considerations, further clinical research is indicated to investigate the anticipated correlation between high-voltage mercury amalgam dental fillings and health deterioration. Such research would entail doctors routinely using voltmeters to measure the voltages associated with metallic dental fillings in chronically ill patients’ mouths. When dental fillings with voltages above 100 mV are found in patients’ mouths, they should be referred to dentists with post-graduate expertise in mercury-free dentistry [7] to have their pathogenic high-voltage mercury amalgam dental fillings safely replaced.
Mercury amalgam dental fillings can cause pathogenic oral electric currents. They can also cause pathogenic mercury deposits in the body’s vital organs and health deterioration [1-6,10-13]. Given these considerations, the use of mercury amalgam in dentistry should be discontinued.
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