Jianrong Qiu
South China University of Technology
Dr. Jianrong Qiu was born in Ningbo, China in 1964. He graduated from Northwest Institute of Light Industry in 1983, and got Master Degree on Engineering from Wuhan University of Technology in 1986. He received PhD degree from Okayama University, Japan in 1992. From 1994-1999, he was a chief researcher in the Hirao Active Glass Project, Japan Science and Technology Corporation. From 1999 to 2000, he was a research associate of the Department of Applied and Engineering Physics, Cornell University, USA. He was a research group leader of the Photon Craft Project, Japan Science and Technology Agency from 2000-2004. From 2005, He became a full professor of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, China. He is now Chair Professor of Cheung Kong Scholars Programme and Director of Research Center for Laser and Photonic Materials and Devices, South China University of Technology, China, and vice Director of the State Key Laboratory of Luminescent Materials and Devices, South China University of Technology. He is also the fellow of the International Glass Commission, vice Chairman of Photoelectronic Glasses Branch, the Chinese Ceramics Society and Associate Editor (or International Advisory Board Member) of the Journal of the Chinese Ceramics Society, Asian J. Ceram. Soc., Int. J. Appl. Glass Sci., and J. Non-Cryst. Solds. He has published more than 400 papers in international peer-reviewed journals, and has SCI citation more than 6000. His H factor is 40. He received several awards including Adachi Award from the Rare-earth Society of Japan (1999), Otto-Schott Research Award from the Ernst Abbe Fund (2005) and Academic Award from the Ceramics Society of Japan (2007).
Research Interest
Laser interaction with matter, photonic materials especially glass, glass ceramics and luminescent nanomaterials.