Jonathan Doak
Durham University
Jonathan Doak has been Professor of Law at Durham University since February 2012. He was previously Director of the Centre for Conflict, Rights and Justice at Nottingham Law School and has also taught at the University of Sheffield, University of Ulster, Open University and Queen's University Belfast. Hehas a substantial body of internationally excellent research combining original data with strong theoretical analysis. My research in the fields of victims’ rights and restorative justice has had a demonstrable impact beyond the academy and has shaped the direction of scholarship in the field. As the first scholar to explore and develop victims’ rights as a form of human rights, my work has proved to be highly influential and has been widely cited by law reform bodies and government agencies. He has held a number of significant research grants and have successfully bid for funding from the Northern Ireland Office and the Department of Justice in Dublin.
Research Interest
Criminal justice and transitional justice. In particular, his research focuses on victims' rights, restorative justice, criminal evidence, youth justice, and the role of emotions within law. He is also interested in aspects of human rights and animal welfare law.